A review by readwithrhys
Celestial Monsters by Aiden Thomas


*I received an ALC from Netgalley* 

I read The Sunbearer Trials in October 2022, only a month after it was first released, and absolutely fell in love with the world, the writing, the characters, EVERYTHING. If you’ve read it, you know how that ending was painful knowing there wasn’t an official date for Celestial Monsters. Well, I’m so god damn HAPPY THAT WAD WORTH THE YEAR AND A HALF WAIT MY GOD!!! 

Aiden Thomas strikes again with lovable characters, nail biting plot twists, and making you sob over fictional characters. If that’s what he wished for when they started to publish books, well YOU MADE IT.

I will forever love this duology and will continuously shove it down anyone’s throat who wants a YA fantasy with a trans MC, trans side characters, an achillean romance, a world with gods and children of gods, disability rep, and an overall amazing world.