Ahhh this book is so good! Light and clever with so much personality. Original but also nostalgic and a cute romance with serious issues but it doesn’t feel heavy. I love Evie and The Villain and I was so excited to have his point of view too- I squealed to myself the first time. I can wait to read more and I’m sure I’ll read this again.
There were some parts I really liked, some I really didn’t, and some that were just outrageously unbelievable. So meh overall unfortunately. Not my cup of tea but had some promise.
I enjoyed this though the war was very quick and the aftermath/recovery was short. I liked the pacing in book two better- the first book dragged and the third rushed. But I still enjoy Canavan’s writing and this world and characters. I expected more from Lilia but I guess it leaves it open for the future. I was intrigued by her and Kallen’s relationship and relieved when he turned out to be a good guy after all. Lilia/Anyi and Lorkin/Tyvara seem to be the next generation to focus on.
I enjoyed this a lot more than the first book- a lot more happening versus just setting everything up. I love Sonea still but I’m intrigued by Lillia and so glad Naki is out of the picture. I’m so happy they found out about the mind block; I was so frustrated nobody caught Lillia’s memory about the magic ring that could supposedly hide intentions. I also enjoy Lorkin’s storyline and am curious about the Traitors and the Duna. I’m worried about Kellan but at least he’s not as obviously without morals as Naki.
Good book but nothing special. Nothing that really motivated me to keep reading. I’ll continue the series since I already checked out all the books. I’m curious but could stop here.
The format reminded me of Emily Henry’s other book People We Meet on Vacation- alternating flashback chapters with current times- but it wasn’t as annoying to me here, maybe because I just like this book better overall (partially because of plot and partially because I just liked these characters more). I was confident they would work it out and end up together. This book did remind of the other in the respect that the characters stressed improving oneself before one can be ready for a relationship and that a relationship cannot fix you, which is a good lesson. I loved the end of the book- the lessons and her feelings with her friends and with Wyn were so relatable to me that it really spoke to me. It made me wish I read the e-book so I could highlight passages to refer and access later. I always like some forced proximity/fake dating tropes so enjoyed this book but was wondering how it would get pulled together. I will say I enjoyed Book Lovers most of her books (this second) but that’s probably because of pop sadness to overcome and enemies-to-lovers with witty banter. Enjoyable ending and very realistic (besides making me jealous I don’t have that many close friends).